Welcome to Shalom101: A People after the Heart of YHWH

What does Shalom mean?

Shalom is a Hebrew word that can mean peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility.

Idiomatically, it can also mean both hello and goodbye. Central to the term, it can be confirmed in related terms found in other Semitic languages that it means completeness; the Assyrian term salamu means to be complete, unharmed, paid/atoned.

Why Shalom101?

Since 101 denotes the basic facts associated with a subject specified, Shalom101 is used to denote the basic facts of gaining Shalom.

Feed Your Soul with Bible Passages

Passage 1: Scripture

16 All scripture is given by the spirit of YHWH, and is profitable for doctrine (teaching the truth), for reproof (rebuking error), for correction (correcting faults), for instruction in righteousness (giving instruction for right living).17 That the man of God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.2 Timothy 3:16-17 Reflection: For the scripture to work in our lives, we have to believe that the scripture is: given by the Spirit of…

The Plans I Have for You


This section is devoted to the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11.

The writer expresses his thoughts, feelings, and experiences as he witnesses God’s power and tremendous commitment unfold in his life and others’ lives.

The Sky Is Falling

The sky is falling…
The sky is falling…
Yes, you heard me right, the sky is falling…

The Three Traps

The Three Traps: Surfeiting, Drunkenness, and the Cares of This Life

Follow the heart of YHWH.

More to Read

Know Him more by reading the Bible.

The Bible is His word.