Hebrews 13:5 Free from the Love of Money

Hebrews 13:5

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

5 Keep your lives free from the love of money; and be satisfied with what you have; for God himself has said, “I will never fail you or abandon you.”



I usually have a yearly budget for my family.  (I think this is what an average income-making dad usually does).  As 2018-19 school year is about to start on June, I am preparing my annual budget.  I realized three things: God’s providence, income deficit, and pragmatism.


God’s Providence

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Looking at my expenses last year, I thank God for His providence.  He is indeed YHWH Yir’eh (Genesis 22:14).  I can’t believe how much I spent  last year to provide for my children’s studies and my family’s needs.  Looking back, God indeed gave me new opportunities and project-based contracts to work on.  Right just in time when my family needs it.


Income Deficit

Making the 2018-19 budget, I also notice how deficit I am for the coming year.  Indeed, this would require God’s hand to perform wonders for my family and business.



Though I know that God has continuously been working wonders for me and my family, I does not mean that I can be extravagant and carefree with my spending.  Knowing the present circumstance, it requires me to be more pragmatic on my budget, practical in my decision making, and prudent in prioritizing.


Hebrews 13:5 reminds me of thee key points: the love of moneysatisfaction or contentment with what you have, and God’s unfailing providence.


Love of Money

love of money

You must have heard that the love of money is the root of all evil.

What does it mean?

Most wrongdoings, if not all, can be traced to the excessive attachment to material wealth.  This comes from the writings of the Apostle Paul.

Money is not the root of all evil; it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.


Contentment and Satisfaction

As much as we hope and dream for the comfort and luxuries in life, being contented and satisfied with what you have at present can be wise and beneficial.  A grateful heart can lessen stress.  Research also shows that stress is the catalyst of cancer.   We also know that we can make better and more prudent decisions when we are not too stressed.  Better and more prudent decisions can open new opportunities to better living.


God’s Unfailing Providence

Lastly and most importantly, no matter how intelligent or how rich you are, God’s grace is something that we cannot take for granted.  Though God pours rain and allows the sun to shine on both rich and poor, nothing shall last.  In the end, what matters is God’s grace and His divine providence.