Passage 36: Encourage Each Other

Therefore, encourage each other, and build each other up — just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 CJB


If we look back on the previous weeks, we have been reminded on the following: empathy, unity, goodness, harmony, faith, hope, peace, and praise.

All these seem to be trivial as we do our daily battles in trying to make a living.

Yet at the end of the day (month or year), as we stop and try to look back in all the things we’ve done, we all long for love, peace, harmony, empathy, understanding, unity, etc.

Let us be mindful with the things trivial; they can be priceless.


Father in Heaven,

Bless us and keep us in your love.

Guide us to know what matters most in life.

In the end, what is life that it can be taken anytime.

What is wealth that it can be gone by any misfortune.

What is fame that it can all be forgotten in the end.

I only have my free will that which is most precious to me.

The will to decide.

The will to forgive.

The will to love.

The will that I can call my very own.

Free will is something that you respect from the very beginning.

You’ve given this to us and we thank you.

Bless me Father in Heaven that I may use this free will in accordance to your commandments.

This we ask in name of Jesus. Amen.

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